Day - 13 : How to install Python in Linux (Ubuntu)

Day - 13 : How to install Python in Linux (Ubuntu)

Install Python in your respective OS, and check the version

Python in DevOps is also used to automate manual things just like shell scripting.


To install Python in ubuntu,

sudo apt-get install python3.6

Because we have installed python3.6, therefore we need to check the version as

python3 --version

Suppose we have installed python2 then we check the version using

python2 --version

So, we have python3.6, To check the Python version,

python3 --version

Different Data Types in Python

In programming languages, data type is a very important topic.

Variables can store different types of data in them.

So, Python has different data types in these categories:

Text Type:


Numeric Types:

int, float, complex

Sequence Types:

list, tuple, range

Mapping Type:


Boolean Type:


None Type:
