Day - 14 : Python Data Types and Data Structures for DevOps


  • A list is an ordered collection of items.

  • Elements in a list are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

  • Lists are mutable, meaning you can add, remove, or modify elements after creation.

  • Lists can contain duplicate elements.

Hands-on Example for List:

# Creating a list
color_list = ["red", "blue", "orange", "green"]

# Modifying the list
fruits_list[0] = "black"

# Displaying the list


['black','red', 'blue', 'orange', 'green','white']

In the example, we create a list of fruits and modify it by changing the first element to "kiwi" and adding "watermelon" to the end of the list.


  • Tuple is an ordered collection of items.

  • Elements in a tuple are enclosed in parentheses ( ).

  • Tuples are immutable, meaning that once created, you cannot modify, add, or remove elements.

  • Tuples can contain duplicate elements.

Hands-on Example for Tuple:

# Creating a tuple
fruits_tuple = ("apple", "banana", "orange", "apple", "grape")

# Trying to modify the tuple (will raise an error)
# fruits_tuple[0] = "kiwi"

# Displaying the tuple


('apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'apple', 'grape')

In the example, we create a tuple of fruits, and when we try to modify it, we encounter an error because tuples are immutable.


  • The Set is an unordered collection of unique items.

  • Elements in a set are enclosed in curly braces { }.

  • Sets are mutable, meaning you can add or remove elements after creation.

  • Sets do not allow duplicate elements.

Hands-on Example for Set:

# Creating a set
fruits_set = {"apple", "banana", "orange", "apple", "grape"}

# Adding elements to the set

# Displaying the set


{'kiwi', 'banana', 'apple', 'grape', 'orange'}

In the example, we create a set of fruits, and you can see that duplicate elements are automatically removed from the set. We also add "kiwi" to the set.

To summarize:

  • Lists are ordered and allow duplicates. They are mutable, so you can modify them after creation.

  • Tuples are ordered and allow duplicates. However, they are immutable, so you cannot change their elements after creation.

  • Sets are unordered and do not allow duplicates. They are mutable, so you can add or remove elements after creation.

Create the below Dictionary and use Dictionary methods to print your favourite tool just by using the keys of the Dictionary

fav_tools = {
    1: "Linux",
    2: "Git",
    3: "Docker",
    4: "Kubernetes",
    5: "Terraform",
    6: "Ansible",
    7: "Chef"

# Ask the user to enter the key
user_key = int(input("Enter the key of your favorite tool (1-7): "))

# Use dictionary method to retrieve the value
favorite_tool = fav_tools.get(user_key)

# Check if the key exists in the dictionary
if favorite_tool is not None:
    print(f"Your favorite tool is: {favorite_tool}")
    print("Invalid key. Please enter a key between 1 and 7.")

In this script, the user is prompted to enter a key (1 to 7) corresponding to their favourite tool. The get() method is then used to retrieve the value associated with the entered key from the fav_tools dictionary. If the key exists, it will print the favourite tool; otherwise, it will show an error message for an invalid key.

When you run the script and input a valid key, it will print your favourite tool based on the key entered. For example:

Enter the key of your favorite tool (1-7): 3
Your favorite tool is: Docker

If you enter an invalid key (e.g., 8), it will show the error message

Enter the key of your favorite tool (1-7): 8
Invalid key. Please enter a key between 1 and 7.

Create a List of cloud service providers Write a program to add Digital Ocean to the list of cloud_providers and sort the list in alphabetical order.

cloud_providers = ["AWS", "GCP", "Azure"]
cloud_providers = ["AWS", "GCP", "Azure"]

# Adding "Digital Ocean" to the list
cloud_providers.append("Digital Ocean")

# Sorting the list in alphabetical order

# Displaying the updated list
print("Updated List of Cloud Providers:")
for provider in cloud_providers:

When you run this script, it will add "Digital Ocean" to the list and sort it in alphabetical order:

Updated List of Cloud Providers:
Digital Ocean

Now, the cloud_providers list contains "Digital Ocean" and is sorted in alphabetical order.

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